
From young startup to the go-to experts in international shipping

By developing enhanced technology solutions to leverage ePost Global's deep industry expertise and worldwide carrier network, our team helped to transform ePost Global into one of the largest privately held direct-to-consumer international shipping providers in the world.


We worked with ePost Global, a tech-enabled international parcel company that helps US-based ecommerce businesses expand globally. At the time, the company was operating as a division of RR Donnelley (RRD), a multi-billion dollar publicly-traded organization. Although ePost Global (formerly known as RRD International) was a growing business, it faced challenges in receiving further investment and support from the parent organization due to competing priorities and RRD's strategic vision.

The ePost Global leadership team felt under-appreciated as many of their capital requests were not approved, and they were concerned about the future impact of underinvesting in the company's growth. Additionally, with RRD planning to divest its logistics division, the ePost leadership team wanted to avoid a similar situation with the next owner.

Investment Status
ePost Global
Kintsugi Team Members
Socka Suppiah
Investment Type
Corporate Divestiture
Logistics, Technology
Our Approach

The Kintsugi Advantage

Our team developed an in-depth understanding of ePost Global's business and identified that technology advisory and capital would address the current inefficiencies and position the company for enhanced growth.

We recognized the management team's pent-up energy and focused on complementing them with the necessary resources, including technology, talent, and capital, as well as an operating structure that would enable them to execute on their key initiatives.

Finally, we formalized strategic incentives for the team to align everyone's objectives and timelines.

Our Approach

Transformational growth and deep expertise in a competitive industry

Within the two years of partnering with Kintsugi, ePost Global grew EBITDA 3x and enhanced its technology platform to better compete against Fortune 500 global logistics providers

EBITDA growth within two years
Countries ePost serves via a worldwide network

Make your company vision a reality

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